Monday, May 13, 2013

Can'T SpEak

I start to feel stupid.

Stupid may be the wrong word, but it's s start.

I feel this way, because I struggle to explain myself when people ask. I tend to be very brief with my explanation as to why I can't have children. I rush my story. Every time.

I feel stupid trying to explain something that quite honestly, is unexplainable.
If I were to truly explain what it feels like to deal with infertility on a daily basis, I would become overwhelming. I would go into long descriptions of the heartache and pain you feel within a matter of seconds. The complete disbelief that consumes you........ this can't be happening to me. I would overwhelmingly try to explain how even the smallest thing can set back all your positive thoughts, prayers, hopes, and wants.

I understand that there probably is middle ground.
There's a way to effectively, honestly, and openly explain yourself without sounds stupid, and without being overwhelming.

For me, it's this. I may not able to talk to you about it, but I am able to write about it.

- Heather

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