Thursday, May 30, 2013

BroKen ReCord

BroKen Record?

I second guess myself.
Should I talk about it?
Should I stay silent?
I want both at the same time.

I want to share the daily details with you. I want to share my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, my constant confusion, my wants, my angst.

When does it start to get..annoying?
Is it annoying now?

A certain paranoia sets in, one that is probably not justified. A paranoia that people are tired of hearing about your infertility. They are tired of supporting you, listening, being patient, trying to understand.

Like I said, this is probably not justified.

As with any diagnosis, the person with the diagnosis starts to have overwhelming awareness that they are indeed talking about this a lot.

I can't stop though.
I'd like to, I'd like to regulate it, but I keep coming back to it.

Broken ReCord ?

- Heather

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I feel like this all the time! I can't stop thinking or talking about it. I choose to tell only people who I think will be supportive and need to know. I struggle to keep this secret from some because I know they wouldn't understand or it would be overwhelming to them. I guess it's a catch 22. I'm tired of talking about it and thinking about it but I can't stop.
